Photo above: The Hertford Bridge in Oxford, England. Used by Permission. © Tom Ley 01302 782837

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Run to God

"I remember the days of old. I ponder all your great works and think about what you have done. I lift my hands to you in prayer. I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain." Psalm 143:5-6

David, the writer of this Psalm, understood the power of running to God for thirst-quenching, soul-refreshing, mind-renewing nourishment. But it's somehow more relatable knowing that just before his epiphany, he confesses a grave state of being: he's been knocked to the ground, is living in darkness, is losing all hope and is paralyzed with fear. Sounds like the perfect opportunity to pull the blankets over his head and call it a day, doesn't it? Even at the risk of sinking deeper into the pit of despair. Or, he could always try working a plan of attack with Me, Myself and I leading the charge.

But, David does just the opposite. Perhaps with eyes squinched, hair--and spirits-- disheveled, and feeble arms waving a flag of surrender, he positions himself for ultimate victory under the covering of the King of kings.

How? He remembers, ponders, lifts his hands in prayer. He's not banking on who he is and what he can do. He's runs at full thrust to his tried-and-true Redeemer, knowing that His faithful love will hide and guide him. David's words later in the Psalm more tenaciously reveal his passionate resolve: I am trusting You. I give myself to You. You are my God.

His firm footing is based on God's gracious Spirit leading him forward.

When you're tempted to hover in darkness, fear and hopelessness, resist. Remember. Thirst. Lean. Trust. Raise your hands! God's gracious Spirit will lift you to Him alone. Run into His strong and capable arms where you will always find nourishment.

Submitted by Brook Chalfant, Regent University Marketing


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